Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I think age is relative to what kind of environment you subject yourself to. When I graduated from University, I felt incredibly old. I saw a bunch of first-years worry about their midterms and third-years worry about their MCATs, and muttered to myself "wow... I'm too old for this now". But now, I'm meeting my dental colleagues and I'm the youngest one so far. Actually, right now, I feel young again. I guess age is merely a number that is bounded by our societal beliefs and expectations.

One of my students in grade 8 was telling me about her day at school - high school kids smoking weed near an elementary school. At first, I was surprised that she even knew what weed was... because I had to think to myself "did I even know what that was when I was in grade 8?" I don't ever recall but today is a different generation so I must stop thinking that the world is spinning the way it did when I was young (and from this statement alone, I feel old again). Anyway, children aren't stupid. They probably know all of the things that you don't want them ever knowing about. Now, I feel like Holden Caulfield... as if I need to do something to protect their innocence. Such is life.

Monday, November 21, 2011


The one thing that is turning me off altogether from getting this application finished for residences is that I have to write an autobiography and talk about my various achievements. Given my pseudo-narcissistic tendencies, you would think that I would enjoy talking about myself in the most positive way possible but I am so over it at this point in my life right now. I'm in dental school, thereby already fulfilling one of my life goals, so why do I still have to do this?! My lazy-self is telling me to copy and paste my personal statement essay I wrote last year, since it accurately describes myself in an "intelligent, well-written manner" but another part is telling me actually google what to even write in an autobiography in case aforementioned essay fails to be "all encompassing".

I should get back to work. Neo...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Me Vs. Virus

I have officially caught a cold as I am now sick.

Headaches + inability to swallow without discomfort + runny nose + sneezing at random intervals = recipe for a disastrous day... and night... and everything else in between.

I'm going to sleep.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Life as of Late

My blog gets neglected too easily. I wish I would somehow incorporate a set time to sit down, unwind and reflect on my day but we all know that's not going to happen. Maybe in January, I'll have more exciting things to share. I'm still trying to get used to this "open" blog idea. It's hard not to blog out of emotion, since it can be interpreted as offensive (or entertaining if you have a sense of humour). When I first started, I basically let it all out because it was my blog, therefore, I believed I had the power to say whatever I wanted and however I wanted to say it (aka. teenage angst). I also hoped that if people did not like my blog, they would x out of it and never come back. Oh, naivety. Since this blog will document my upcoming professional life, I want to keep it tamed, or at least express myself within the boundaries of genuine respect and/or concern.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with my family and friends before the big move. It still hasn't hit me yet... and I don't think it will until I step on the airplane. Even then, four years doesn't seem like a very long time to me (considering how fast my undergrad years have flown by). But, I've been living at home my whole life so it will definitely be an adventure to step out of my comfort zone. In the mean time, I'm accompanying a sax studio at the University; it keeps me busy and I've been reminded why every pianist wants to play for singers instead. Whatever, I appreciate challenge. I've been also getting into The Big Bang Theory. I was never into TV sitcoms but I seriously love this show (as in watching 6 episodes in a row) and I'm slightly bummed that I didn't realize it sooner.